What Does Check Gauges Mean on a Dodge Ram 1500?

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The “Check Gauges” warning light may be confusing for most people, especially for those who have little to no understanding of cars. But don’t worry, in this article, I have explained everything you need to know, including how to get rid of the light permanently. 


Meaning of “Check Gauges” Warning Light

The Check Gauges warning light signals that one or more of the vehicle’s gauges are displaying readings beyond the normal range. The warning light is just a general indicator that does not point out which gauge has abnormal readings. The reasons could be many things, such as high engine temperature, low oil pressure, drained or dead battery, faulty alternator, etc. 


How Do You Fix the Check Gauges Warning on the Dodge Ram 1500?

Since the warning light does not point out the gauge that’s reading abnormally, you will have to identify and fix the issue manually. Look at all the gauges when the engine is running and identify which gauge is not in its normal range. Here are some of the solutions to fix the issue:

1. Check Battery

One of the most common reasons why the gauge warning pops up is related to battery problems. The first thing you should do is get the battery voltage checked. If the battery voltage is low, either the battery is being drained for some reason, or the battery is simply dead. Recharging or replacing the battery will make the warning light disappear. Also, make sure the battery terminals are clean. 

Consider that vehicles have an Altenator, an electrical generator that converts mechanical power from the engine drive belt into electricity to recharge the battery. If the alternator starts malfunctioning, it will fail to charge the battery, resulting in the Check Gauges warning popping up. So make sure you get it checked by a mechanic. 

2. Inspect the Engine Cooling System

If there is something wrong with the engine cooling system, the engine temperature will increase, which would trigger the warning. A malfunctioning thermostat, malfunctioning radiator fan, and low coolant level are common reasons behind the problem. Ensure you check the whole system along with the coolant level; if it’s too low, refill it. If the coolant keeps emptying, you should check for leaks in the system. 

3. Check Oil Pressure

If the oil pressure gauge shows low pressure, you may have a malfunctioning oil pump, blocked oil filter, faulty oil pressure sensor, or simply a low oil level that can be solved by refilling the oil. Oil leaks can also cause low oil level, so if the oil level is reducing unusually fast, make sure you check for leaks, too. It’s highly recommended to regularly check the oil level and top it up if it’s low. 


Can You Drive the Vehicle With a Check Gauges Warning Light?

Technically, you can drive it, but just because you can, that does not mean you should. Driving your vehicle with the Check gauge light can cause serious damage to the vehicle’s components and can result in a breakdown, too.


What to Do if Nothing Works?

If you have tried everything and still cannot fix the issue, you should take your vehicle to a mechanic’s shop and let the professionals diagnose the problem. 


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